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2018-2019 Season


                 Mode of play – 35 Over’s

   ·        Play will commence at 12.30pm Sharp (9am Sunday)

   ·        12:45pm will forfeit toss (9.15am Sunday)

   ·        If any team has not got 7 players, at 1:00pm game will be forfeited. Unless by prior                             agreement

   ·        Reduced overs can apply when playing time is lost due to adverse weather but only in cases

            where the match has not already commenced. (One over is deemed to be 4 minutes).  After             this a game that cannot be played shall be called a washout *.

   ·        In the event of wet weather the team batting first in all grades must complete their allotted

           over’s and the side batting second must complete a minimum of 15 over’s, otherwise a

           washout* will be declared. The 15 over mark of the side batting second will then constitute

           a game. The run rate  (runs/overs) of the batting team at the end of the last completed over

           at the time of interruption will be used to calculate –

                 1.     The batting sides overall total for incentive points purposes, and

                 2.     To decide the winner of the match.

   *Washout constitutes 90mins of unsafe & unplayable conditions. If Captains are deadlocked             Senior Director or Executive Member has final decision. Even if all Captains agree to continue         the Senior Director or Executive has a duty of care to override their decisions if they consider it       unsafe.

   ·        If the decision has been made to continue playing teams have 10 mins to take to the field or             risk  Forfeiting the match.

   ·        In the event of poor light both captains must agree to take the light and abandon the match              if player safety is a concern. In the case of a split decision the Senior Director or an                              Executive member will make the final decision.

     ·        Captains must name their teams on a list and hand this in by the change of innings with

              Match fees ($66.00). Failure to do so will result in the loss of all points for the game.

              A player must take the field before change of innings.  If the game has commenced and

               is a washout Match Fees are only $33 but a team sheet still must be submitted.

     ·        Statistics sheets and scorecards are to be handed in at the canteen to an executive                              member and are the responsibilities of the Team Captain including 321… points.

     ·        All matches are over when a team batting second scores the necessary runs which have                    been set or they fail to reach the target (when a result is reached.)

·             Two points for a win, one for a tie and zero for a loss with Net Run Rate being used to                          separate  teams on equal points.

·          The Scuderi Shield is played between the two teams that are leading the competition after                    the completion of the second round.

·        The team batting on field one will help in the canteen.

·        Every club should have a representative at the executive/senior meetings or repeated failure

          to have a representative at meetings will see the loss of points.

·        Each semi-final has a reserve day in case of washouts etc. (The following Sunday.)*

         *Except when playing the first semi-final at Forrest Beach.

·        The Grand Final also has reserve days (sun/sat – 2 weeks from original date)

     ·         A calendar of matches must be followed but washouts may affect dates.

     ·        Any game can be played at an alternative venue if the Senior Director and Captains                               decides wet  weather will stop play. Must be organised before Saturday. If the weekend                   club fixture is moved to Forrest Beach field one plays Saturday. Field Two plays                                   Sunday, so long as all captains and Senior Director are in unanimous agreement.

      •    1st Final if played at Forrest Beach is 1st Vs 2nd on Saturday and 3rd Vs 4th on Sunday.                  If either Game is washed out highest team goes through to the 2nd semi-final the                                following Saturday

·          Both Scuderi Shield and the Grand Final will be 35 over matches.

     ·        All finals must be umpired by a non-team affiliated umpire

     ·        In event of a draw or wash out in the semi-finals the higher team on the ladder goes                           through.

      ●   Two Scorebooks/Tablets to be used in the Grand Final & the Scuderi Shield

      ●   A tie in the Grand Final or Scuderi Shield will result in Joint Winners

                   Game Rules

·             All players must wear long white pants or the said player will not be allowed to take the                       field.

     ·        A wide ball that misses the pitch or hits the edge of the wicket  is a dead ball with a one                      run   penalty and is then rebowled.

     ·       A wide is any ball that veers off the pitch before the popping crease or is out of reach of the

              batsman in normal batting stance at the crease or outside the leg side mark on pitch.

·          Any ball above waist height on the full, with batsmen in normal batting stance at the crease

              will be called a no ball regardless of where the keeper is standing (one run penalty, even if                it is scored off.)

     ·       A player who is injured or absent from play cannot bowl until he has been back on the field

             for the same number of over’s that he was absent if a substitute fielder is used.

     ·       A grade will play 35 over’s an innings. With five bowlers with a maximum of 7over’s.

     ·        No time will be taken off for lost time in the event of rain, poor light, etc. Once a match has

              commenced. Matches may  only be reduced in over’s prior to commencement  under the

              direction of the senior director and club delegates/captains

     ·    Substitutes shall not be allowed to bat or ball or act as wicket keeper or as captain.

     ·       Only players and persons invited by team captains may umpire matches.

·        Due to the narrower pitches there is no return crease No Balls. (Side crease when bowling.)

      Free Hit

         Once the bowler bowls a front foot or waist high full toss no-ball, a batsmen can't be out off               the next legal delivery, Except run-out.  Note: Fielding captain can change the field for a free-           hit delivery if the batsmen exchange ends off  that no-ball. If  the same batsman is on strike              on whom   the no-ball was bowled - fielders stay in the  position they were off the previous                  delivery. Breaking the stumps at the non-strikers end during delivery is a noball but not a                   free hit

·       Bouncers Rule

               A bowled ball is deemed a bouncer if the ball is over shoulder height of the batsmen in a

            normal batting position on the crease. Each over a bowler is allowed 2 bouncers. I f the                     bowler has reached his quota for this over the umpire will touch his shoulder. If the bowler                 continues the umpire will signal no-ball.



·       Fielding Restrictions

                  Maximum of two fielders outside the circle for the first 10 overs and only five fielders

                                 outside the circle for the remainder of the innings.

·          All other normal Queensland Cricket rules apply e.g. Byes, Leg Byes etc.

                                                            Player Eligibility

      ·        To Qualify for Scuderi shield – 2 games for club must be played  before the end of the 2nd                 round

      ·        To Qualify for Finals – 4 games for club ;  2 games plus 2 if over40/Under 16. A Player

                 who has qualified for more than one team must nominate one or the other for the finals.

      ·        Indemnity forms must be signed before any player takes the field.

      ·        A registration fee of $75 per player  must be paid before you can play in a 2nd match

               for your club. Registered Herbert River juniors pay nothing extra.

      ·    Failure to do so will see that player’s team lose  all match points where unfinancial/

               unregistered players are used.

      ·        Each team must also pay $85 team affiliation by the end of the first round.

      ·        Transfer of players. U/16 players are able to be released between teams before                                  Christmas break, provided both team captains and senior director are informed. Players                  over 16 under 40 wishing to be  released from teams must attend a special meeting                          between Captains and Senior Director.  All transferring players (junior or otherwise) must                complete release form which is then handed  to senior Committee Member.   Any Player                    over 40 can play for any team before the Christmas break.  Registration, Qualifying &                         Indemnity Rules Still Apply

      ·        Permanent – Each player can only transfer between clubs once per season unless                              deemed extenuating circumstances by Senior Director or Executive Committee.

      ·        Breach of eligibility rules will mean automatic loss of all points for said match (es).

      ·        Breach of registration rules will mean automatic loss of all points for said match (es).

      ·        Teams which lose match points won’t be notified until after the completion of game.

      ·        Players may only play one club game a weekend.


      ·        Codes of Conduct will apply again this season. Complaints must be passed on to the                          HRCA Secretary, in writing, no more than 24 hours after the alleged incident.                                       Suspensions may be enforced by the HRCA and the QCA. Attached is the code of                                  behaviour and guidelines.

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