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Herbert River Cricket 2017 AGM Minutes

Herbert River Cricket Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 19th of July 6.30pm Butler Park Clubhouse

2017-2018 Minutes

Open Meeting: 6:45pm

Present: Michael Bain, Haydn Grazioli, Craig Menegon, Chris Bradshaw, Jodie Venables, Peter Aranas, Des Rooker, Michael Rooker, Paul Britton, Andrew Bye and mystery guest.

Apologizes: Steven Carrara and Callan Solari

Previous AGM Minutes

Moved: Michael Bain Seconded: Peter Aranas. All true & correct


Hinchinbrook Shire Over40’s acquittal from 2016 Grant

Chairman’s Report: Peter Aranas

More volunteers needed, new blood, Senior Director, overall good year. Over 40? Moved: Des Rooker. Seconded: Jodie Venables

Treasurers Report: Des Rooker

HR Bal: $XXXXX.98 Over40’s Bal:$XXXXX.46

Bought Over 40’s Drinks and an excessive water bill. Hole in Lions Freezer $116.20 and $400 for Deep Fryer & Sandwich Press from Trebonne Store. Moved: Michael Bain. Seconded: Paul Britton.

Annual Auditors report from Coscer: Passed by HRCA Inc. Moved: Des Rooker. Seconded: Haydn Grazioli. All in Favour

Election of Office Bearers

Peter Aranas steps down as chairman and Chris Bradshaw calls for nominations.

· Chairman: Andrew Bye nominates Chris Bradshaw who accepts the nomination. Moved: Michael Bain. Seconded: Michael Rooker. All in favour

· Treasurer: Jodie Venables nominates Des Rooker who accepts nomination. Moved: Peter Aranas Seconded: Paul Britton. All in favour

· Secretary: Des Rooker nominates Michael Bain who accepts nomination. Moved: Peter Aranas. Seconded: Jodie Venables. All in Favour

· Senior Director: Michael Rooker nominates Craig Menegon who accepts nomination. Moved Des Rooker. Seconded: Jodie Venables. All in Favour

· Junior Director: Undetermined

· Auditor: Des Rooker nominates Coscer who accepts nomination. Moved: Paul Britton. Seconded: Peter Aranas. All in favour

· Solicitor: Peter Aranas nominates Jayson Waldon who accepts the nomination. Moved: Haydn Grazioli. Seconded: Paul Britton. All in favour

· Patron: Haydn Grazioli nominates Alan Kehl who accepts nomination. Moved: Craig Menegon. Seconded: Michael Rooker. All in favour

· Member Protection Officers: Peter Aranas nominates Michael Bain & Michael Mendiolea who accepts nomination. Moved: Jodie Venables. Seconded: Paul Britton. All in Favour

General Business

· Milo Cricket 2 lots of 6 weeks – before and after Christmas. After Christmas looking at using Gilroy. Good amount of help from parents. Two definite groups of older and younger kids.

· All about team work and delegation for the new executives.

· Round of applause for old volunteers and the new.

· Lawn Mower Grant – Steven Carrara & Belinda Oates have entered this and done a generic grant application as well.

· Bypass road is back on the agenda. No new news but still would like to get something in writing from the Government and/or Council about their commitments to HRCA.

· Level One coaching course October 8th in Ingham if enough interest. Michael Rooker and Paul Britton keen. Talked about club paying but since then QLD cricket has announced no costs for Level One.

· Key Register. Paul Britton to contact Brett Grant.

Chris Bradshaw has Peter Aranas’ Key.

Steven Carrara has Jodie Venable’s key.

· Talk about registration options. Team rego, 3 game option.

· Council looking for sports clubs to use Showgrounds.

· Passed a motion that Over 40’s pay half the Auditors Costs as the success from carnival has pushed us into the higher cost bracket. Moved: Des Rooker. Seconded: Paul Brittton. All in favour.

Senior Cricket Business

· Twenty20: Limits on amount of registered Herbert River players.

· Team Selection Template.

· Heaps of talk about Senior Draw & Rules. Nothing finalised until next meeting.

· Chase dates for return Homehill Game.

· Next Meeting 16th August 2017 at Butler Park Clubhouse 6.45pm.

Meeting Closed: 9:37pm

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